Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Crazy Quilting!!

Friends, Allie Aller and Valerie Bothell, have a new crazy quilting book out! It's a beauty too!

A while back, Allie sent me an email about a project she was working on, as it contained a feed sack which was stamped Duluth, MN, where I lived, just before I moved to NYC.  She shown me the quilt, ( quilt on the left) and I said,
"Well, You won't believe it, but look what is only wall right now!"(quilt on the right)

Talk about minds working alike!  She asked if they could include mine in the book.  So, I'm thrilled to be in this book with these two wonderful ladies. Their crazy quilting techniques are just over the top beautiful. I love to look through to see, what can I learn now!  My embroidery repertoire is small, and there is always something fantastic to learn, by looking at their amazing work...
Allie's work

Valerie's work

My quilt grew out of a calf feed developer bag that I had found in a thrift shop...I couldn't resist the calves...

Separately, I  had a "already sewn together top" from blocks that came off the farm of a friend.  Farm clothes of shirtings, denim, and khaki that were meant to be a quilt but never made it into a a quilt, ( OLD POST HERE)  and I thought, "Hey, I know how I can use that top.... cut it up!"

I used up the entire feedback in my quilt, even the back of the bag, was used for the settings...
At the same time I had a pile of shirtings, which were made into scrap blocks of made fabric,and also some wool embroidered blocks bought on ebay. All of which were cut up and repurposed to make borders around the edges of the quilt. Event he red work embroidery came from a vintage top that was very badly sewn together... I cut out the embroidery and used the images that related to the quilt. Cows, pigs, etc... Fresh off the Farm...  It was fun using up orphans to work together in this quilt. I went back and added hand quilting on the feedback, and machine quilted the rest of the  quilt. I feel like I did my good deed saving all these parts...Fresh off the Farm... That's the title of it... 


Above, Allie and Valerie, oohing and ahhing over a quilt we saw at the International Quilt Study center a couple years ago... They were like kids in the candy store checking out this beautiful quilt! 

I am lucky enough to own one of Allie's beautiful quilts. I purchased this one through the Quilt Alliance's  Auction of fundraiser quilts...  Have you mad done yet? Deadline is June 1st!

Thank you Allie and Val for including me! I'm honored, and Congrats on your beautiful Book!!


  1. I am CRAZY for the MN farm quilts..and the story behind them.

  2. I love the way you used the feedsack into a crazy style quilt, really wonderful quilt.
    It looks like a great book and I do like making quilts with older materials and in a crazy patch style.


  3. What a lovely quilt! I am trying to push myself to use some of the things I have collected over the years like feed sacks and you've given me so new ideas. And I own a couple of Allie's books, looks like I'll be adding this to my library too!

  4. I love Farm Fresh! I just love the idea of recycled, repurposed and scrap fabrics in quilts. It creates such beauty from things that were not being used.

  5. Congratulations on being published again! The quilt is amazing and the story of how it evolved is fascinating! You never leave any stone unturned!

  6. Such a fun post! Love seeing those two feedsack quilts next to each other. Big cheer for the "when in doubt, cut it up" solution.

  7. What a treat! Always love to hear the process - and this book looks gorgeous - might need it for mom's day...

  8. good to read about this new book, I added it to my wish list on amazon, hopefully one of my girls will buy it for my birthday! Love the quilt you have made, my fingers are now itching to get my hands on the book!!


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