Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween at FESTIVAL

Dinner out on Halloween at Market... Indigo was wearing a mask she made, and we all thought it was so creepy, we all had to try it on... Crazy cool, huh?

 Our Friend Leslie was up for an award in the Digital category.... And she WON!  YAY for Leslie!!!

 More books to sign at Festival...

Then off to dinner with the GHOULS...
Happy Halloween!


  1. That looks like a brilliant way to spend time - signing books and talk about quilts and meet up with friends for dinner! Hope you get to go home as planned!

  2. Excellent pictures!! Hope yu all had a happy halloween!!

  3. Too funny! and here I thought Halloween was for kids :0).

    Looks like a great time, travel safe and Happy book signing.

    Happy Sewing

  4. It's interesting how different each of you looks with the same mask on! I mean, it's the same face...

  5. What a creepy mask!!! I love your eyebrows in the bottom pic, fun! I hope you got writers cramp :-)

  6. how can a mask so simple be so darn creepy!?!

    Yay for book signings!

  7. Hey Victoria, I hope your New York home weathered the storm okay.


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