Saturday, September 8, 2012

More Santas!

Well the first batch of Santas are spoken for!  I dug through my xmas stash and found this...( see last post)

I will be happy to share a piece of this, Piece for your block, and one for my block, for anyone who still wants to play along... ;-)

Email me, your name, address, etc... my email is top right, in side bar...

Thanks!  This is fun!
 I'm off to the Empire guild meeting... Catch ya later!



  1. Oh, I want Santa with a whip! I like this even better! Kate

  2. I love these Santas! And yup I'd liketo play.

  3. This one is too funny! Was trying to resist, but yes, I'll play (maybe I'll use some of my own long-neglected XMas stash, which is all of maybe 3 FQs).

  4. If you still need 'players' count me in! I think you have my address but if not let me know!


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