Love Kid prints? gotta Bunch here that need a good home.
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Tell me one thing that makes you think of summer?
This lot of fabric is kid prints, dogs, cats, BUGS!, turtles, caterpillars, all those fun summery things!
For me? Cut grass. Does it get any fresher than that?

Leave me that summery comment!
I'll pick a winner june 8th at 8 am. !
Also, go See Sarah Fielke's page with all the other people having giveaways! She has a new book coming out, all on her own! But not til 2010...
Join the fun, or also enter hear to win more stuff! ALL SEWN UP~
Watermelon and corn on the cob makes me think of summer :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
Grilling out, margaritas and hanging out in the back yard with my family! The best time of the year!
ReplyDeleteThe smell of a good barbeque makes me think of summer time. Even on a cold winter night, when I get that rare chance to smell a BBQ, I will instantly dream of summertime.
ReplyDeleteYour fabrics are beautiful. They'd make a delightful charity quilt for children. I'd love to test out some new patterns with them and donate the finished quilt to a good charity program for kids. But whomever is the winner, I'm sure they'll enjoy them and it is nice that you are donating them.
I'm gonna have to tell you, HEAT makes me think of summer. Yep! Since I am going through the change of life I dread the heat of summer and it don't get any hotter then here in South Alabama! LOL But I do love watermelon in summer and the smell of freshly cut grass reminds me of watermelons!
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed Day,
Real,fresh from the garden tomatoes! The ones you can SMELL! I am working on my second baby blanket in a month and probably will have more to do.
ReplyDeletesummer to me is going out for ice cream!
ReplyDeleteseeing everything in bloom and the burst of colors in different yards.
I could go on and on
great fabrics...
Sheets billowing on the clothesline!
ReplyDeleteMelons and watermelons. Love them and they remind me of summer!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway, the fabrics are really cute.
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Picking in my garden farm fresh veggies.
ReplyDeleteI love all the comments before me. Makes me think!!!!
I have a giveaway also if you want to come over.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!
Milkshakes with icecream - just perfect on a warm summers day while reading in the garden :)
ReplyDeleteThose fabrics look fantastic - what a great prize!
What a lovely giveaway!! What makes me think of summer is nice fresh cute grass, beautiful flowers, picnic's under a tree, a day at the beach. Oh!! I love summer!!!
ReplyDeletemmm... a nice juicy steak, corn on the cob & a lime margarita sounds good to me! Love the smell of suntan lotion, too :)
ReplyDeleteA lazy afternoon on the porch swing and laundry hanging on the line! Could use the kid prints; with 7 grandkids all under 5 and another on the way, I have everything I can do to keep up with baby quilts!
ReplyDeleteSummer reminds me of the beach. Plenty of sunshine and afternoon storms.
ReplyDeleteNo school? Yeah, it's that time:)
ReplyDeleteSummer time is official with 4th of July! Picnic, watermelon, fresh vegies on the grill and some fireworks!
ReplyDeleteBeing ready to pass out from the heat. At night. :)
ReplyDeleteVibrant colors and the sounds of birds make me think about sumer. Heavenly scents such as strawberry and coffee brewing over a campfire do it as well. MMM, and the great taste of homemade ice cream. Thanks for holding a sweet giveaway. How fun! Please sign me up.
Fresh fruit...especially when it's picked locally!
ReplyDeleteHow's the packing and cleaning going? I envy your leaving town for the summer!
The summer starts when the swim club opens.
Weeding eating...whoop! Not! But I love flowers. They always remind me of summer!
ReplyDeleteSummer here begins with the cobia tournament. Actually a little early for summer anywhere other than Florida, but that is my summer alarm bell. Then a little later I get the real alarm of hurricane season, which began yesterday.
ReplyDeleteFlip flops and suntan lotion! Thanks for the giveaway, I love those kiddie prints!
Iced tea! I have to keep at least 2 pitchers ready in the fridge for my husband and I at all times in the summer. :)
ReplyDeleteBeach! I am so lucky to live here in Brazil!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this lovely giveaway! Those fabrics are so adorable!!!
Summer holidays, I am in New Zealand and Christmas is summer. Going camping at a favourite beach and spending time with special family there. Thanks for the ovley giver away and a chance to win.
thanks for this chance to win!
ReplyDeleteOhhh summer! we are in the middle of winter here in Melbourne!
When I think of Summer, I think of warm mornings at the beach with the kids, icecream, fresh fruit, warm skin, hot bodies, and relaxing!
Bron...following too!
Lightning bugs and homemade icecream make me think of summer.
In Brisbane we are in the midst of our winter. What makes me think of summer is when all of the stores have their sales, getting rid of winter stock. You know summer is comming when the bikini's appear in the windows. Even if we have another 4-5 months to get there!
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering my giveaway. Good luck!
Ok - that doggie fabric is sooooooooo cute! What makes me think of summer? Kiddos sleeping in in the mornings, me sipping my coffee in quiet on the porch. Thanks for visiting my blog too!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Seems like everyone I know is either about to have or just had a baby.. these would make for some cute I Spy blankies! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I subscribe to you! :)
ReplyDeleteSummer means sleeping in!
ReplyDeleteClouds building up to afternoon thunderstorms always make me think of summer.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteOh wow - I have two littlies and this fabric would come in handy. Mild mornings and the sound of seagulls remind me of summer because I spent several summers camped on the beachfront in Portarlington (Australia).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance.
Berry picking makes me think of summer. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.
Since it is almost always summer where I live, I will have to remember back to when I was a youngster in VA! The smell of new mowed hay and honeysuckle are the first two things that come to mind. Of course, the smell of the new mowed hay meant a bit of work but what the heck, I was young!
ReplyDeleteStrawberries! Everytime, proper, nice, tasty strawberries. Fab fabric, thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to score some awesome fabric! Sun tea, corn on the cob, and the sound of locusts in the evenings make me think of summer.
Summer means long lazy evenings, eating dinner on the deck and enoying a glass of wine outside once the kids are in bed!
ReplyDeleteLove your giveaway - would be great for a new quilter wanting to build up her stash and who's still to make quilts for her two little kids!
Summer? When the Farmers' Market opens up, it's summer!
ReplyDeleteWe could use those kids' prints for Project Linus. Thanks for sharing!
The sandbox always makes me think of summer...sand everywhere!
ReplyDeleteThanks for a chance to win your cute kid prints!!
KRousegirl2 at aol dot com
Reading outside on my back porch in a wicker chair. A cold glass of lemonaide with ice, and some peace and quiet on a hot summer's day. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteFireflies make me think of summer!
Foster's Freeze (the ice cream shop in our town) makes me think summertime--and it's just about a week away for us (kids are finishing school and i'm finishing teaching.) I'm really excited. Would love your fabric--they're begging to be aprons. :)
ReplyDeleteParties are always so much fun and who doesn't like a giveaway. I would LOVE to take your fabrics and give them a new home. Thanks for your giveaway... and thanks for dropping in on my giveaway...Sandy
ReplyDeleteThe first day I swim in the lake, I officially call it summer! It's coming up any day now!! Yippee!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway! I'm starting a quilt for my son, and these would be the perfect addition.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me think of summer? Fresh peaches!
fresh tasty fruit says summer is here to me!
ReplyDeleteSchool's out, we're at the pool -- the smell of sunblock -- that's what says summer to me (wet towels all over the place).
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great giveaway!
Long lines in front of the Dairy Queen on a warm evening. Everyone sitting by the picnic tables eating there ice cream.
ReplyDeleteLove all the kids fabic. It would work great for a quilt for my 4 yr old grandson who has been asking me to make him one.
Swimming pools - makes me think of summer as a kid!
ReplyDeleteFresh corn on the cob makes me think of summer.
ReplyDeleteDarling prints.
pic nic on a sunny day and summer flowers... swallows flitting about ... mmmmm.... summer better come quickly !
ReplyDeleteGreat new website, would love to join in your giveaway!! The beach makes me think on summer - especially with little ones splashing.
ReplyDeleteThere is the romantic version, that is, "grass" and then there is my reality, and that is "cutting the grass."
ReplyDeleteThe Sum of mer...maids.
MAIDS! Lots of other people doing my housework while I swim...salaciously,
in the pool (I don't even know HOW to swim salaciously, but this is besides the point...)so I'm swimming salaciously, and my lover (he's yummy and slave-like... yet intelligent and gentle, of course)hands me a drink - on the rocks, freshly squeezed lemon, alcoholic and yet miraculously fat free... which brings me to how hot I look in my bikini (yeah right!)... Ah summer. Perhaps I should have gone with the simple blue sky, the intense increasing heat and sticky sweat followed by a delicious afternoon rainfall leaving the air all clean and sweet smelling, the ground steaming, and my still salaciously hot body perfectly content...
P.S. thanks for entering to win the sock dog!! I hope for the sake of your persuasive little person that you win :)
no schedule, no hurrying, staying up late, family visits that last for hours-just lazy days!! wonderful fabrics-would be darling for an "I spy" quilt~ thanks for the chance!!
ReplyDeleteThe Pool! and the smells of sunscreen and bug spray. (We need them both...ALL the time here!)
ReplyDeleteI've had you in google reader forever but, I'm now an official follower! ha ha ha :)
ReplyDeleteWatermelons and strawberries reminds me of summer. I even made a watermelon table runner. Thanks for having this give away.
ReplyDeleteI am a follwer of your blog and enjoy visiting your block for ideas and inspiration. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteThe squintingly bright Aussie glare. It always hits full force if returning from overseas.
ReplyDeletePopscicles and ice cream make me think of SUMMER!!
ReplyDeleteBaby Boy's I Spy quilt can use some budgies, so drop my name in the hat! (I also LOVE that pink cat/dog print...)
ReplyDeleteBoats on the river in front of my house, fishing boats, speed boats, and sailboats with colorful sails. I love to sit on the porch and watch the boats.
ReplyDeleteSue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I have joined as a follower!
ReplyDeleteSue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Summer is here when we can sit outside in the warmth and enjoy a meal
ReplyDeleteI love the smells of summer and late nights sitting on out on the deck. Weekend BBQs with family and friends are good too. And less fun, getting up early to walk the dogs before it starts to swelter!
ReplyDeleteI can put those kiddie fabrics to good use in some donation quilts!
Summer means so many leaves on the trees that we can no longer see the neighbor's houses - I love the privacy! Great kid fabrics - I make quilts for my kids and lots of charity kids so please put my name in the hat. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteRed geraniums in the window boxes with little American flags stuck in there too! ....and iced tea, and lemonade stands, and grilling and front porch sitting!
ReplyDeleteNot worried about the give away, but always love your photography! Especially that view, really brings home how urban a city you live in!
ReplyDeleteI do lots og charity quilts for kids, so would love to be in your giveaway. Summer to me is walking barefoot, eating rubarb and strawberries from my own garden.
ReplyDeleteEnd of school!!
ReplyDeleteSunscreen, that distinctive smell of sunscreen and sand and beachyness.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am a follower!
ReplyDeleteRoad trip! They always make me think of summer, and state parks as well!
ReplyDeletewheat whispering together in the breeze makes me think of summer ;)
ReplyDeleteoh and I'm following you too! great blog ;)
ReplyDeletesunburns make me think of summer!
ReplyDeletethanks for a chance at your kid fabrics!!
Summer is here when i can hear the neighbor kids playing in the wading pool in their back yard. That is a great selection of kid prints and I'd love to win them.
Summer is walking barefoot along the sea and having icecream.
ReplyDeleteYou have a nice blogside.
I love how many people show up for a giveaway! Summer....tomatoes! I have to wait most of the summer for them, but the anticipation and watching the plants grow is as important as the salt shaker I carry to the garden!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am a follower!
ReplyDeletethis is so generous!! uummmm, summer.....the smell of salt air at the beach- doesnt get much better than that : )
ReplyDeletei am also a follower!
ReplyDeleteNice blog - and very cute fabrics! The best about summer is walking around barefoot in the gras, picking strawberries from the garden and sitting out late at the veranda in the evenings. Mmmmmm - hope we'll get there soon! :-)
ReplyDelete...I'm also signing up to be a follower!
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me think of summer... putting the doona away for the season that's when I now summer is here to stay!!! Those fabrics are wonderful!!
ReplyDeletewe're having a sewn give away too!!
xo Steph
How could I not follow you!!
ReplyDeletexo Steph
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAIR CONDITIONERS!!! I like it warm but not hot. Also the easy summer foods - salads, grilled meat ...... YUP that is summer!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the smell of fresh cut grass. That and watching the dragonflies have a feast after the cutting has scared up all the bugs.
ReplyDeleteNothing better! :o)
My kids make think of all the seasons. The fun they are going to have without the constraint of school and homework. Just watching them play and be who they are, and the constant exploration of who they are going to be.
ReplyDeleteStrawberry Lemonade & Watermelon! I look forward to these treats when we have BBQs out at my dad's ranch during the summer.
ReplyDeleteThank you for entering me in your drawing.
I've become a follower of your great blog!
ReplyDeleteLonger days and BBQ. Love your blog.
ReplyDeleteMmmmm summer - watching fireflies in the backyard with the kids - brings back a bit of the magic from when I was a kid!
ReplyDeleteKaren G.
We just had a great watermelon and that reminds me of summer. Love those kids prints and thanks for a great giveaway.
Hello I would love a chance to win and I am now a follower what a great blog you have here. Oh also I'm having an apron give away come check it out if you like:)
I'm a follower! Love your blog, love those kiddie prints!
Cookouts in the back yard, kiddie pool to splash in! Grandkids and popsicles! The jingle-scoot truck and frozen custard. Off work, time to think and dream. Heat, ugh the humidity.
The smell of cut grass and the warm morning sunshine remind me summer is here! I'd love to win some kid print fabric as my daughter is 14 months...thank you for the opportunity to win a great giveaway!
Wow!!! I love all those fabrics! I fell in love with them and then got distracted by your blog and read every post on the front page before remembering that I was trying to find the spot where I needed to subscribe to your blog. You can tell you have a huge yard (and very green grass) when you can lay out all those unfinished quilts and your yard still has more grassy areas. I hope you have a riding lawn mower. I would love to win all those gorgeous fabrics. Please count me in. I live in Texas so I can't say the heat makes me think of summer because it's hot here 9 months out of the year. It's got to be the lightning bugs. Lazily and slowly flying around flashing their glowy bottoms. I never get tired of seeing them in my yard or while walking through the park when the sun starts to go down.
Kids make me think of summer! the kids running around, free from school and enjoying it. Very nice fabric you are giving away, I'd love to have a chance to win,
Love, Love, LOVE that beautiful stack of fabrics.....summer...fish and chips at the beach and watching the kids play until they drop....
ReplyDeleteOk, now I have even blogged about your giveaway.
ReplyDeleteSummer is the smell of new cut grass that reminds me of watermelons. And watermelons reminds me of watermelon seed spitting contests with my siblings. Such sweet memories make me smile.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I like about summer is when the sun has just risen, and the smell of 'fresh' and 'warm' that hits you all at once. Thank you for the chance to win your give away!
ReplyDeleteHi, fresh corn on the cob dripping with butter makes me think of summer. And homemade ice cream. I'm getting hungry.
ReplyDeletethanks for a chance to win.
Waking up when it's light and going to bed when it's still light. Long summery days - lovely.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the chance to join in.
Very nice giveaway.
ReplyDeleteSwimming and picnics = summer.
ReplyDeleteOpen windows, lemonade, and fresh vegetables from the garden.
ReplyDeleteSweet giveaway. I would love to win.
Roses always scream "summer"
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Sewn to go live.
bryghtrose at gmail dot com
Fresh strawberries! With every meal - on top of cereal, with cream, over ice cream ...
ReplyDeleteQuilting new things makes me think of summer. I don't have much time to quilt during the school year (teacher), but always take my sewing machine on vacation to the family cottage and start up a bunch of new things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great give away
Eating watermelon, taking long morning walks, sitting on the screened-in porch -- all things summer to me. Love kids novelty prints! Thanks for the wonderful Sewn give-away!
ReplyDeletefresh produce! berries, watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes... thanks
ReplyDeleteSitting on the porch with a glass of fresh lemonade, watching the kids turn cartwheels on the grass...
ReplyDelete1. you have great collection!
ReplyDelete2. i highlight your giveaway here http://1n3sew.blogspot.com
3. i follow you
all the best!
SEWN is great!
crickets outside and test cricket inside, hours and hours of it - the sounds of summer. Lovvvve those fabrics. Thanks for the chance to enter; have been following you for a few months.
ReplyDeleteyou know that amazing smell, when it's been hot and dry for a few days, and then i starts raining? i love that smell! it always reminds me of summer!
ReplyDeletethank you so much for the chance to win!
and i'm following you!
ReplyDeleteand i've blogged about your giveaway, you can check it out here - http://craftydame.blogspot.com/2009/06/more-giveaways.html
ReplyDeletethanks again!
Sun, flowering garden, holiday :-)
ReplyDeleteNice blog you have.
I love the warm summer rain.
ReplyDeleteThe sound of children laughing and playing outside. LOVE IT! It's so joyful and carefree. Thanks for the chance to win this!
ReplyDeleteSummer in AZ = playing in the pool, ice cream and sunscreen :) I really love your blog!
ReplyDeletePopsicles...the flavors and colours
ReplyDeleteI think these prints are awesome. I'd love to have them show up in my mailbox...Yummy!!!
BBQ, potato salad, and the sweet smell of sunscreen.
I just found your blog...how fun!! The smell of freshly cut grass and grilling food is summer to me. Love those fabrics...just started quilting and have 4 grandchildren to make quilts for...those would be wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteFresh veggies make me think of summer. Love the kids prints. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
ReplyDeletewow!! lovely giveaway!!
ReplyDeletecount me in, please!!
hugs Isabel
Well, first finish some of my wips as Leanne´s House, for example and take some of my needlework to my holidays in France and come back with it finsihed, yippiee!!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me to the giveaway , they look like fun fabrics
would it help me if i sed that i would love to win that fabric for my kids??
ReplyDeleteany way i would! :-)
"brightness" reminds me of the summer. any thing that has more light in it, brighter colors and so...
yes' im following you!
ReplyDeleteand blogged about your giveaway!
Oh my word, those are adorable fabrics!
ReplyDeleteHard for me to think "summer" when it's winter here :-) But I'll try!
Would love to win!
The scent of flowers! I'm loving the scent of my gardenia, roses and the herbs in the garden.
ReplyDeleteTheresa N
I know its summer when the boat comes out of storage and we take that first great boat ride of the summer. Nothing like the smell of fresh sea air!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway. I love the parrots, and the dogs, and the bugs, and well all of it. Great fabric choices.
Fresh sun brewed lemonade, laundry drying on the line, flowers picked from my garden, walking the dog without a coat! ; ) GO SEWN!!!
ReplyDeleteThose little annoying black bugs that bite when you plant the garden - use spray of listerine - actually works - now to enjoy summer and the garden.Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
ReplyDeleteCorn on the cob and fresh garden tomatoes are a great summery treat.
ReplyDeleteSummer is fresh veggies from the garden! Oh...and those blasted BUGS!
ReplyDeleteGreat fabric..thank you!
Mrs B
Tomatoes! Not those dry, tasteless impostors that you can find in the supermarket all year round, but the wonderful, red, juicy flavorful fruit (or vegetable, depending on what camp you're in) that can only be found in the summertime.
ReplyDeletegreat fabric...What reminds me of summer... I think dirty bare feet.
ReplyDeleteSummer - the smell of fresh mowed grass...best smell around...
ReplyDeletelove the fabric.
I subscribe
ReplyDeletethe smell of daphne. it blooms everywhere here and the smell is intoxicating!
ReplyDeleteGarden fresh tomatoes! Doesn't get any better. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteFriut fruit and fruit are my summer things!!!
ReplyDeleteHave blogged, and subscribed
Thanks for the giveaway!
Cooking out makes me think of summer!
ReplyDeleteSun-warmed wood and water - I've always thought that a dock in the sun was the perfect summer scent. :)