Monday, September 12, 2016


Hello from Paducah and the National Quilt Museum!
Well actually, I'm home now, But, I was in Paducah last weekend!  What lovely weekend it was! After an interesting 14.5 hours to get there sue to some interesting weather, and unexpected flight grounding in Indianapolis, I can tell you, flying is not what it used to be. LOL.
That being said, Paducah is adorable!  I have actually never gone to the Paducah Quilt Week, so i get see the town as a sweet sleepy town, and soaked in the Beautiful Quilts on display at the National Quilt Museum.

I am a part of the Manhattan Quilters Guild, and we have an exhibit "Here and There" up at the Museum, so it was really special to see it.

And teach!! I was there to teach a three day Double Wedding Ring Class, and we had an amazing class.

Pam N. came to take try class, we met last year at Quilters Take Manhattan when she took my scrap bag class. She was so clever, she turned her bag into a pin cushion, so she could pin the bag to the wall to always have access to her pins! CLEVER!

Here's a video from the classroom!

Here's a glimpse at some to the work done by the students! They go so much done it's ridiculous!  So many beauties! I'm humbled by watching these students be inspired by certain quilts, and how they interpret them!  It's a real treat for me to see these quilts come together!

Meredith Schroder, came by to see what was happening in the class! AQS owner, and the reason the museum exists!

A couple friends came and dropped by as well, you can see, a few laughs were had by all. 
Thanks Klonda and Edie for coming to make me laugh...

My big plane delay in Chicago, means I got to see some friends unexpectedly! I think it was meant to be... I needed some friend time!  Thanks Tracy (sew supportive) for coming to take me to dinner!

Is there anything better then quilting and friends??  Pretty darn good....

be well. be happy.


  1. What a wonderful riot of colour on the walls! Thanks for sharing the the beautiful work by the class students.

  2. Glad you finally made it to KENTUCKY, and Paducah. I can promise you, though, that you haven't really been to Paducah, until you've been there during quilt week. It's a COMPLETELY different place. You wouldn't recognize the town, The entire town is transformed into one big quilt show. And the nicest thing is that everybody in Paducah seems to be totally on board. They're all very welcoming to the quilt invaders - though I feel like if my town was taken over and invade for a long week by people obsessed with an activity, regardless what it was, in which I had no interest, it would drive me nuts!
    Hope you can make it back in April some year.

  3. Hey, when did you find the room empty so you could take this video? Thanks for posting this! Mine is nearly all sewn together. Next up is an outer flange. It is so inspirational to see again what everyone was making.

  4. What great work by your students. Looks like a fun trip.

  5. What a great bunch of students! Some gorgeous quilts coming out of that bunch.


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