When I went on that cruise in March, I was in the mood for a good book to take along, so I emailed my pal Marie Bostwick and asked If I could read her new book coming out. She quickly sent me a copy, and I quickly began to read...
I figured if I can't be quilting I should be reading something quilt related! Good for keeping me in the quilting creative space! I couldn't put down the book... I have to admit I even teared up in a few spots... Miss Marie, you're good at pulling on my heart strings, girlie! I have a few of her books, and I highly recommend your going to pick up a few, for some good heartfelt reads...
In the book, Phillipa signs up to make a baby quilt as her first quilt. I've never taken a quilt class but after this past week in Alabama, and two women learning to sew for the first time, it was an amazing journey to watch them create... I can so relate to Marie's characters in the book. I can feel the joy they feel when the create, and well, you must read it to find out more...
If you POP over to Michele's today you can read about a baby quilt I made.
We will be BLOG HOPPING this week! If you stop by all week, you can earn chances to win a copy for yourself!
Blog Hop Schedule:
Tuesday, April 24
Michele - Quilting Gallery - http://quiltinggallery.com/
Jackie - Canton Village Quilt Works - http://cvquiltworks.blogspot.com/
Wendy - Ivory Spring - http://ivoryspring.wordpress.com/
Wednesday, April 25
Jennifer - SewHooked - http://sewhooked.com/
Erin - One Piece at a Time - http://erinrussek.typepad.com/
Thursday, April 26
Victoria - Bumble Beans Inc. - http://bumblebeansinc.blogspot.com/
Sandi - A Legacy of Stitches - http://alegacyofstitches.blogspot.com/
Friday, April 27
Michele - With Heart and Hands - http://www.with-heart-and-hands.com/
Melissa - Lilac Lane - http://www.blog.melissastramel.com/
Saturday, April 28
Melissa - Sew Bitter Sweet Designs - http://blog.sewbittersweetdesigns.com/
Kim - Crafty Apple - http://kimscraftyapple.blogspot.com/
A bit to get you hooked:
Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews' friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she's made in New Bern; she just never thought she'd still be single on her fortieth birthday.
It's a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople's burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot's family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life's fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning…
Blog Hop Schedule:
Tuesday, April 24
Michele - Quilting Gallery - http://quiltinggallery.com/
Jackie - Canton Village Quilt Works - http://cvquiltworks.blogspot.
Wendy - Ivory Spring - http://ivoryspring.wordpress.
Wednesday, April 25
Jennifer - SewHooked - http://sewhooked.com/
Erin - One Piece at a Time - http://erinrussek.typepad.com/
Thursday, April 26
Victoria - Bumble Beans Inc. - http://bumblebeansinc.
Sandi - A Legacy of Stitches - http://alegacyofstitches.
Friday, April 27
Michele - With Heart and Hands - http://www.with-heart-and-
Melissa - Lilac Lane - http://www.blog.
Saturday, April 28
Melissa - Sew Bitter Sweet Designs - http://blog.
Kim - Crafty Apple - http://kimscraftyapple.
A bit to get you hooked:
Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews' friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she's made in New Bern; she just never thought she'd still be single on her fortieth birthday.
It's a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople's burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot's family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life's fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning…
Want to WIN a copy? Leave a comment here on what your first BABY quilt was like...
A winner will be drawn May 2nd!
Guess I'll be first. My first baby quilt was 5 inch random squares sewn together by hand. All were leftover from clothing sewing projects. It was tied and has long since fallen apart. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm about to make my first baby quilt. None of my friends or relatives have any babies due, so it will go to my son's Kindergarten for use in their doll corner.
ReplyDeletemy first quilt was a baby quilt! simple patchwork - two packs of charm squares. i've forgotten what the fabric line was, but it was bright and perky and so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThe colors were brown and beige using the sticks and stones pattern. I really liked the quilt myself but I gave the quilt to my granddaughter who now has a boy. So darn cute. He just loves my quilt. I know I would just love that book if I should win a copy. Sounds like a good book to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteSandi T.
I *love* this book series! My first baby quilt was for my grandchild. Never having had kids of my own (I got kids by marriage), I wanted to make something extra special for my baby girl.
ReplyDeleteMy quilt was a mixture of old and new. The main body of the quilt was a whole cloth piece of Ikea fabric, quilted in a way to bring out the print. Then to add an heirloom quality to it, I used some traditional 30s/40s repro fabrics in a piano key border. Trust me when I say that a confident beginner can be challenged by such a border (haha) and adding ric-rac in the seam even made it more difficult! But I got it done ( along with a few " humility spots"... Lol)
The result was an adorable quilt for my special girl! :-)
I adore these books and have eagerly devoured the others in the series. I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to win her newest installment - thank you! And you KNOW Marie?! Please pass on my admiration for her talent to draw her readers into the character's lives. The Mitford series did that for me years ago too.
ReplyDeleteOK, baby quilts. I love making baby quilts! My first one was a simple patchwork in reds and blues for a baby girl. The parents chose those colors and I found some darling fabrics with flowers.
Mine was a flannel ragged edge quilt. A great choice when you come up with the idea of making a baby quilt a week before your friend's due date and don't want to wait for machine quilting!
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I made was for my own first child. It was cut out with scissors, pieced by hand and quilted by hand. Nice cottons, kind of a charm quilt in the Tumbler Pattern. He loved that quilt and still does. I machine washed it even! Held up well for about 15 years, then it became a special fragile thing still "on display" in his room, but not used.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for my husband's former co-worker and his wife. It was a red and white nine-patch - very simple, but still one of my favorite quilts.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made recently for my very good friend's first grandchild. I used Goodnight Moon fabrc. The pattern was simple, but the fabric got rave comments from all who saw it. Did everyone grow up with Goodnight Moon?
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was big squares of pink fabric. No pattern, I just sewed them together and my quilting was crossways through all the squares. It didn't look that great but my friend loved it and the baby is now in college and still has the quilt. Thanks for the chance to win Marie's new book.
ReplyDeleteI made my first grandson an Irish Chain quilt using just two fabric, bright blue print and lighter fabric (white with small blue design) for contrast.
ReplyDeleteMy first quilt was a crossstiched quilt for my son with little dragons on it.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was really a baby doll quilt to be used when the little baby girl grew up. Kathie L in Allentown
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was also the first quilt I ever made. It was simply 3 inch squares in red and white sewed together. I didn't know how to quilt at the time so I tied it with white yarn. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt had some jinny beyer fabrics and lots of white! Soooo not my colors anymore! Lol
ReplyDeleteI was in ninth grade and it was for my Spanish teacher. It was just simple squares but it was all hand quilted.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilts was my true first quilt. Irish Chain, Winnie the Pooh print fabric, hand pieced as I traveled across the US with my hubby in his big truck, Then I hand quilted it and gifted it to my "across the hall" friend. Her son Curtis still has it, it's traveled all over the world as she took him on many travels when he was still very young.
ReplyDeleteHello Victoria,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win a copy of Marie's book. They do sound a great read. I have made a few baby quilts, for my own children, all grown up now but I still have them in the linen cupboard.
Happy days.
The first baby quilt that I made to be a baby quilt was a commission for a friend. I designed the quilt to use some Riley Blake fat quarters that I had. It was very well received.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for my new grandson born in February this year. I did a "ticker tape" design with snippets of fabric my daughter picked out framed with white fabric. I bound the quilt with denim from an old worn out pair of my levi jeans. The quilt ended up looking very modern and creative.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt (and also my first quilt EVER) was 5" squares of chenille, and the back of the quilt was chenille as well. AND, I didn't have a walking foot for my 35 year old Viking machine! There was lots and lots of frogging going on while trying to quilt it, but I finally finished it in time to give to my first born grandson.
ReplyDeleteSince I am new to quilting I have not had a chance to make a baby quilt yet. I am hoping to soon as my nephews wife is having a baby in July.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was half square triangles places in chevron row diagonal down the quilt. Done is pink and purple with a cute coordinating print between the chevrons and for the borders. For my sister's first girl baby.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was more of a modern style, not that I don't like ducks and bears but it was for a young hip Mom and she really liked the change of pace.
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt i made was for my daugther's oldest sister. It was my first year of quilting and one of my first free motion quilted work. When my ex husband picked our daughter up early in the morning to visit her Brand new sister, I started ripping out all the quilting stitches and requllted it just in time to visit mother and baby in the hopspital the next day. It was very much an intuitive quilt and very enjoyable to make for such an important little girl. I am looking forward to make her a new quilt for her confirmation in a year or so, she is such a lovely young girl and a much beloved aunt to my grandsons.
ReplyDeleteMY first baby quilt? Or the first baby quilt that I made? Can't remember my baby quilt as I apparently wore it out. But I was in the habit of purchasing panels and using them for quilting practice back in the 1980s so a lot of co-workers got those. I made one called Curiosity Cats that I kept for a grandbaby. I'm still waiting.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made of 4" squares of scraps and backed with flannel. I made it for a childhood friend's baby girl born in the mid 70s...so it was a long time ago. I'm sure my baby quilts have improved tenfold!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was one with all half square triangles. What was I thinking!! It turned out fine and my granddaughter still loves it.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was a star quilt - I used Triple Expresso Shake, Rattle, & Roll by Prairie Sky Quilting pattern. http://www.prairieskyquilting.com/triple_expresso_main.htm
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was a rag quilt out of flannel for my first grandchild! At the time I knew NOTHING about quilting, but three years later she still loves it! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great book! :)
ReplyDeleteFirst baby quilt was from a Noah's Ark panel surrounded with 6" oinwheels!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was 4" gingham squares of pink and blue and lilac, tied. The squares were definitely not square (off 1/2 inch or more), but I started it when I was 9 or 10, finished it when I was in high school, and it fell apart at the seams when I washed it for my first baby. So I simply zigzagged the seams through all the layers and used it as is. :)
ReplyDeleteI started making baby quilts after seeing one in a store with a large pricetag on it. My quilts were simple tied quilts, with just usually 4" squares of alternating eyelet (remember that fabric) and a baby print. I tied them with thin satin ribbon on the front side, and to reinforce the tying, yarn on the back side. They were quite sweet quilts, and always well received.
ReplyDeleteMt first Baby Quilt was a hand embroidered farm animals quilt that took all 9 months to get done, just like the pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made of old shirts. It was at a time when we had no quilt stores here in Norway. Thanks for the giveaway. tubakk@online.no
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for my grandson!
ReplyDeleteI made a all white patchwork out of Italian cotton sheeting scraps for my nephew. Hes now 13 and still sleeps with it. Its worn to shreds :)
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made with machine embroidery. Alternating squares. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was prequilted for embroidery, with picture of the "Roadrunner" on it....back in 1975! That "baby" is now 77 yrs old!
ReplyDeleteThanks for chance to win! ;)
The first baby quilt I made was Monkey Business from Kim Brackett's Scrap-Basket Surprises book. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I have made a lot of quilt tops, but I don't think I've ever made a baby quilt yet!. I have a cheater panel that I want to make into a quilt, but it's been on my sewing table for a good 15 years now.....
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made for my first baby in 1983. It was made with yellow rosebud fabric and yellow gingham. I still use it 29 years later to cuddle my first born's Aaron newest son, my grandbaby Oliver born on January 28, 2012.
ReplyDeleteKaren Ruetz kruetz@
posted for Karen.
Various navy blue maverick stars scattered across a light blue starred background, and the blue flannel backing had sheep jumping over stars... definitely a theme! I thought it was charming, and I'm delighted when I see the recipient still using it as his snuggie!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was a log cabin made of pink, yellow, blue and green gingham for the darks and various rosebud prints for the lights. It was for my first-born son 27 1/2 years ago.
ReplyDeletemy first baby quilt was kind of a surprise to me, I didn't know anyone with babies, so I only made queens and laps up until that point. However, when I ruined a brand new queen sized 400 thread count Egyptian cotton sheet, I knew I had to make a quilt out of it, and only a baby size would fit in the undamaged parts.
ReplyDeleteIt's still one of my favourites!
My 1st baby quilt was my 1st quilt. I mentioned to my sister, a quilter, that I wanted to make one for soon to be born grandson. She gave me a quilt top that was partially completed and directions on where to go from there. I confess that I have sewn for years so it was not a far leap to start a baby quilt... The quilt now hangs at my step-son & daughter-in-laws house, in the family room, for all to see. The other two children's birth quilts are in their rooms. I enjoy it every time we visit, as it brings back some wonderful memories.
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I did was pretty simple. I used a cartoon fabric from Winnie the Pooh. I made it as a charity quilt and donated it last year.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for my adult kids to give me a grand baby so I can make a more special one!
The first baby quilt I made happened to be the first quilt I ever made. It was made for my nephew Alex when he was born. My mom started the embroidery on it before she passed away and I held on to it. When my SIL found out she was pregnant, I pulled it out and finished the embroidery and quilted it. That way my nephew got something from his grandma, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win the book!
Sandy A
The first baby quilt I made was for my niece. It was a pink and purple mine patch. She turned out to be a real tomboy and not a big fan of pink and purple! lol
ReplyDeletethanks for joining the blog hop and the chance to win.
My first baby quilt was for myniece's little boy. Since then she has had three more babies and I have fallen far behind!
ReplyDeletei am making my first baby quilt now for my niece's baby. they won't find out if it's a boy a girl, so i am making an HST quilt, white with all other colors!
ReplyDeleteHi, my first baby quilt was for my first grandson, bright primary colors with the saying "Boys will be Boys"
thanks Patrice Zubrowski
posted for Paula
I have made many baby quilts so I'm not exactly sure which one was first, but I think it was one I made with ship blocks. It was in reds white and blues...for a nephew. I used ocean mammals fabrics for the border. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I made was reversible. Wide strips with batting and then sewn together. Given to my sister, I don't know where it is now! Thanks, Victoria.
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I made was squares of flannel. It was in shades of blue, for the baby boy.
ReplyDeleteWow...this is really a test for my "50-something" brain...my first baby quilt was...oh, now I remember...it was made of those oh so lovely puffy "biscuits" - at the time those were the 'rage' (yikes..REALLY dating myself now)...but yes indeedy - in baby pastels...remembering LOTS of dotted swiss and, dare I say..."seersucker" stripes and plaids - wish I had a picture...maybe it's better just left to the imagination. :)
ReplyDeleteI have made lots of baby wraps but not many baby quilts- not even for my own baby. I did make a couple of cheater panel quilts for him but I also made the clover leaf wraps for him. I have made lots of them for babies over the years and am just completing four more of them as there are more babies coming this fall.
It seems like a long time ago. The piece of fabric was made at a class where we were making table runners, but I never finished the table runner, then made it into a baby quilt.
ReplyDeleteI think my first baby quilt was for a family reunion challenge. We all made quilts to display and then the quilts were donated to a charity. Mine was simple squares...actually I made two...one for a girl in pinks and one for a boy in red, white and blue.
ReplyDeleteI have recently started quilting and so far (other than table runners) ahve only done four full sized quilt tops (yet to be quilted!!) Still learning! But i have two friends who are going to have littles the end of the summer and my aspirations are to make a quilt for each of them!! :) (normally I crochet a blanket for my friends babies so branching out here!!)
ReplyDeleteI've never made a baby quilt. I have several patterns picked out for when the need comes along but that is all I have done so far.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was a pastel woven quilt.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was pale yellow and baby blue 9 patch! I couldn't bear to give it away, though.... so it sits still in my closet. I didn't even use it with my own babies. Just put it away as a reminder of how far I've come!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made for the birth of my nephew on July 5, 1976. That was also my first quilt. peggy in KY
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was also my first quilt ever! It was hand pieced and quilted for my first grandchild (who hadn't even been conceived yet). It was made out of Winnie the Pooh fabric and I designed it myself. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Marie's new book.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of Maria's books, but they sound wonderful. I'd love to read it .greetings from Belgium
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting the giveaway. I can't wait to read Marie's books...just learned of them today :-)
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for a co-worker's daughter. It had Beatrix Potter characters fussy cut for square in the square blocks and I made a coordinating covering for her antique (huge) bassinet. She loved it :-)
My first baby quilt was a tall giraffe eating leaves on a tree that resembled a lollipop and it was tied together. Didn't know a thing about quilt construction, but my nephew loved it! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity - I love this series!
ReplyDeleteI am actually just finishing my first baby quilt...thought I'd better get going on those, b/c I have 25 nieces and nephews who are getting to that age....It's done with bright blues/pinks/lime greens. Can't wait to get it done!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was made of four large star blocks. I just drew up the block pattern on graph paper and made the blocks. Then I used left over pieces pf fabric and cut them up to make a pieced border. It turned out really well considering I didn't know anything about a walking foot, didn't follow any real pattern, and had never taken a class. I just jumped in both feet and sewed. Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt that I made was a wholecloth quilt front and back. I stitched around every safari animal on the front to make them pop. It was bound in a safari grass print of a mossy green. It fit in with the jungle anaimal nursery theme in my grandniece's bedroom.
ReplyDeleteThe first 2 baby quilts I made were for charity and I used "Curious George" fabric book panels which I cut apart and framed the blocks. Over the years I have used the fabric book panels for many baby gift quilts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I love to read your blog and your work inspires my creativity.
Hi, my first baby quilt was from a fun bear and trains panel. I made it for my husbands co-worker and her 6 month old loved it! The pictures she sent me with him snuggling are adorable. I love to read and would love to try out one of Marie's books. Candace Weiss
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was actually my first quilt. An applique wall hanging for my cousin. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
ReplyDeleteCeline_Combet at yahoo.co.uk
My niece, Samantha, was the recipient of my first-ever baby quilt. It was a trip around the world in what I now think were very weird colors, tied with yarn. I've come a long way in the past 22 years!
ReplyDeletei don't remember exactly what my first baby quilt was. i remember making one for a lady i worked with....hand appliqued stars on white fabric with rainbow speckles on it, then square in a square blocks in brights. it was the first bright quilt i made. i thought the kid would need sun glasses to be in the same room with it!!! since then i have collected MANY bright fabrics and love working with them.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for my oldest son in 1968 and was embroidered baby animals, kitties, ducks, puppies, etc. on unbleached muslin and sashed with sweet yellow and green. He still has it and cherishes it. thanks for a chance to win Marie's newest book. And I am going to go check out your Hubby's newest words. :)
ReplyDeleteI can't remember my first baby quilt, but the baby quilt I made for my first grand child was made from 30s repros in a pattern by Terry Atkinson called Meet Me at the Corner. It was well loved by both Mom and baby.
ReplyDeletemy first baby quilt was for my son's 2nd birthday, it was made up of embroidered clowns, a clown embroidered alphabet and colourful blocks....
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was primary colours with truck prints made for my first great-nephew.
ReplyDeleteCathyC in Alberta
I made a cute rag quilt from storybook flannel.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've made a baby quilt. ? I usually knitted blankets for baby gifts.
ReplyDeletemy first baby quilt was a panel that allowed me to choose areas i'd want to quilt around... good beginnings ;)
ReplyDeleteTY for being part of the tour - I'd LOVE to read this book!
The first baby quilt I made was for my nephew and it featured an appliqued Teddy Bear with a patchwork border.
ReplyDeleteLooks like it'll be a great read!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was a an Animal/ABC panel -- I added bright borders and a couple of cornerstones. Pulled the flannel backing around to the front for binding. That quilt is well loved (binding's worn a bit in spots, may need to re-do it) and makes me smile and cringe at the same time.
Thanks for a great blog and a fun giveaway!
My first baby quilt was 9 stars, each with some rubby ducky novelty fabric fussy cut in the center. I made it for my nephew, and it still hangs on his wall today. I actually still really like that quilt! Probably because there is a good bit of orange in it, and orange is one of my favorite colors.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I made was an aqua and lavender quarter square triangle for my friend's granddaughter who returned it to me for repair years later. It was loved to pieces.
ReplyDeleteSaw Marie in Paducah signing books for her fans. Looks like another bestseller!
The very first baby quilt that I made was called baby baskets. All the baskets were made in different pastel fabrics from my stash and the background fabric was a soft green print of Winnie the Pooh.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was for my daughter. I embroidered an entire set of alphabet blocks, and some butterflies, and set them together with really bright-colored squares in between, and hand quilted it. She used it a lot, but now has it stored away, hopefully to pass on someday.
ReplyDeleteI love Marie's books & would love to win her latest - thanks for the chance! The first baby quilt I sewed was a log cabin in beachy colors but instead of a chimney in the center, I appliqued starfish and shells. It was beautiful!
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was yellow brick road, purple and neon batiks! Quilted with variegated purple butterflies. I haven't thought of that quilt in awhile.
ReplyDeleteThe first baby quilt I made was a pattern with a cute puppy under the covers sleeping. It was adorable! Thanks for a great giveaway. :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't made a baby quilt, but my baby quilt, was green flannel with little roses, and had dogs and cats appliqued on. My grandmother made it in 1979 when i was born. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteMy first baby quilt was strips with a border. I machine quilted it (in the ditch) with fun stitches that are on my Janome. I don't usually machine quilt, but, I don't want to hand quilt a baby quilt. They need to be washed over and over.