Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Color beats back winter...

 Inspiration all around on a snowy white day...
 Tasty lunch
 I need to make some 1/4 circle blocks for our MOD guild... 

It seems all the gummie bears I ate
inspired me...
Gotta love tasty inspiration!

Even in all the WHITE, we get a little blue sky

OOH! Even our visitors are sparked with color!
That makes me smile!

What's inspiring you today?


  1. Now I have a gummy bear craving - thanks a lot! I just finished my first quilt so the fun I had is inspiring me to make many many more.

  2. How strange was that storm?? Less than a mile from me at the beach there's no snow. It all got blown up here by me from that wild wind. I finally dug out but needed 4-wheel drive to get to the store...grrr

    Your colorful friends are very pretty. Mmmmm gummy bears. Glad you're having fun!

  3. Gummi bears are one of my favorite candies...especially the green and clear ones! Love where you're going with your inspiration quilt and the curved blocks! Rain turning to snow here so that color is a welcome sight!


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