Thursday, August 26, 2010

this and that

My daughter asked me what  "ragamuffin" was... 
I explained in a round about way,
as it was rather hard to explain... disheveled, orphan...

It so happened that I was playing with  these blocks... 
Ragamuffin Quilt

I think it fits,  do you agree?

Do you see the TINY little navy and white school house block!  
Thank You Siobhan!  How darn cute is that?

And thank you to all who have contributed... 
I do believe I have enough!

Guess what today is?

Harvest canning!
Salsa baby!

I had a flashback to when I was ten, and helped my mother
peel the skins off blanched tomatoes....

Now some other ten year old has this job...

Boy, does my house smell good!


oops, gotta go get the salsa out of the canner...


  1. Perfect name. I have a dream that one day I'll feel confident to can and not fear poisoning my family! If I bring the blue tortilla chips and be right over.

  2. I love that name for this new quilt project you are working on. That tiny blue house block is adorable! I have two big bags of tomatoes to deal with this weekend. I already made salsa (and already ate it too), so I think I'm going to make spaghetti sauce to freeze for winter. Have fun, you two!

  3. Great name for the quilt, very fitting!! Nothing like fresh tomatoes and they look like some good ones! Mmmm... fresh salsa, now do you have any avocados??

  4. Perfect name! And then the salsa too!

  5. It is a perfect name. I can smell the salsa. Enjoy

  6. Ragamuffin is a perfect name! I'm sure your house does smell lovely. I must say I love the results of the harvest more than the harvest itself. Typical huh? I'm such a laxy cow...

  7. Good name for the quilt. And Salsa, I'll be right over with my bag of chips!

  8. Around here it is blueberry freezing day. :) Hooray for harvest!


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