Thursday, June 10, 2010

New girl!

Everyone, meet Sally.

My daughter's Librarian (Sally), gave me her old Singer Featherweight!!!
I'll be making her a couple quilts for this... I'm so thrilled...
It runs wonderfully! Box and all!!

Anyone got any tips for making her run even smoother?
I'm sure she needs a little tune up, and a new cord for sure....

She's my new baby... So I gratefully name her after Sally...
Hello! Sally!


I said, "OK, let's take a picture..."
so we sat for the picture then she turned to me, and said,
"Now get off my quilt!"


And look who turned into a middle schooler!!!
Congrats to my growing girl!


  1. your new sewing machine is fantastic!!
    congrats to your girl! she is growing so fast! and also, she is every day more beautiful :)

  2. I love my fws.. (I have 3.) Make sure you give her a good oiling. I use the Singer brand oil.. don't know if it really matters, but I consider it like a little blood transfusion for the old girls.. and I want to make sure they are the right bloodtype!

    :) Also, make sure you have the felt pad under the spool on top. It will help the thread feed much nicer.

    Also, congrats on the ES graduation. Such a little lady!

  3. aren't you lucky! she is beautiful.. and so is your middle schooler!

  4. You will love your new sewing machine. If you get the book that goes with it you can do a lot of maintenance yourself. It is great to take along when you go to workshops. I have to be honest and say I don't use mine all the time at home but it travels well.

  5. Oh, you're going to love your Featherweight. I have two and use them all the time for my piecing. As someone said, just a good oiling and maybe some sewing machine lubricant on the gears as described in the manual and you should be good to go. Keep the lint cleaned out also.

    What a lovely pic of the quilt and you and the new owner, beautiful!

    Your daughter is just such a doll, I love pics of her, so sweet.

    : )

  6. It was hard to see the size of the Garden gate quilt before. It's a nice size! I wouldn't want to sit on it either!
    Your daughter is beautiful! Still hoping to see you with Jackie next month.

  7. love your new machine! Sally will be a true friend! Your garden gate is SOOO great! No wonder the new owner is protective!

  8. B's dress is adorable! :) Funny story! :)

  9. Oh she's BEAUTIFUL!!!...and, Sally too! ; ) I just recently acquired a lovely little Featherweight, Agatha. I did my own maintenance on her - cleaning, oiling and lubricating. It's doable albeit a tiny bit scary. I could send you a link and some helpful info if you'd like...?

    Lovely quilt also! Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!

  10. Congratulations....your daughter, your latest work, and your new toy are all rewards for the joy you spread everywhere!

  11. What a grand blog!!! It is a wonderful work of art in itself, as well as all the lovely quilts and photos. Thanks for your sharing! Denise Arcata CA

  12. Congrats on the new Featherweight. My hubby bought one for me some years back. Even though it worked fine I decided to take it to my trusted sewing machine repair man and he gave her a little make-over, nothing serious, but now I know she will sew forever. I did treat myself to a 1/4" foot for it, so I can piece with it.

  13. lucky you! graduation to middle school and a new machine. there's quite a following online for FWTs, you should check into when you have a little down time--oh, wait, do we ever have down-time?

  14. I love my featherweights...doing your own maintenance is so easy! There are several books out there. Main thing is to keep it oiled. Also, I just got a new foot from a company called Quilters Mate that is a bit longer than the original foot and it is so much nicer to piece with! (I'll see if I can find the packaging....)

  15. There is a wonderful gal in Northern Iowa that services, remakes and sells them. She tuned mine up. Also, get to Singer 221 book and it tells you how to do it. I can send you the info if you want it...

  16. Oooh, lucky you! Sally looks fabulous. It's great to see that quilt in situ and get a better sense of the scale- wow! And your daughter is just darling. Congrats to you lady!

  17. You will love your Featherweight! Take her in and get her a "physical" and she'll be your work horse forever. Oh yes, my Claire says hello to Sally!

  18. Sally is a beauty! As is that quilt - and your growing girl.

    Middle school - my youngest is almost out of middle school (two more weeks). Thank! Goodness! Then no more middle school in my life. Can you tell I'm excited?

  19. Your daughter is adorable! They grow up so fast.

  20. Congrats on the addition to you sewing studio. check out this blog for info on your new baby:

  21. I love Sally!!!!! I have one just like her and they are so wonderful to sew on.....My secret to a smooth machine is regular visits to my local guru, Jon. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I just drool everytime I see that quilt - what a lucky lucky owner! How great you got a featherweight. I adore mine althogh it needs it's once ina blue moon tune up right now. I learned to sew on it and could never give it up!

  23. I own Sally's sister and in fact she's coming to the retreat with me!! You'll enjoy Sally a lot.
    The quilt photo with the new owner is wonderful.
    Really, middle school?? Are you sure? She looks so cute in her pretty new dress.

  24. OMG I love that dress on Beatrice...she is so lovely anyway, but with that dress on she's the bomb!

  25. Hello B, you look very pretty in your lovely ruffled dress. I guess you are very excited about starting middle school. Enjoy your holidays, love from England

  26. Congrats on finishing that binding and delivering that quilt, and also on the new middle schooler! I love her ruffles!

  27. Hooray for librarians! (We are a pretty awesome bunch). :)

  28. grease and oil it, and it will run forever! Get your grease and oil at a sewing machine store. never use 3in 1, or it's like, as it leaves gunk behind. Singers are great machines. I have a 201 I use for free motion and a 301 for piecing. My hands are too big to be comfortable with a FW, but they sure are cute! What a great gift.

    I made a quilt that looks like books on a shelf, from Modern Quilt Workshop, I think. Might be nice for a librarian.


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