Monday, November 9, 2009

Good way to start my day

I was having a crappy morning, not feeling great, running late etc... I hop in a cab to go the dr. And there was this guy standing there in a teletubby suit waving at me... How can you have a bad day with tinky wonky waving at you!! ( or whichever tele it was!!). Have a good day!!! V


  1. I was having a crappy morning, not feeling great, running late etc... I hop in a cab to go the dr. And there was this guy standing there in a telletubby suit waving at me... How can you have a bad day with tinky wonky waving at you!! ( or whichever telle it was!!). Have a good day!!! V

  2. too funny.
    is he still working the east side for a lunch deli place?
    ha ha

  3. Glad you had teletubby there to cheer you up. Hope your day continues to improve.

  4. I bank at Chase and I'm happy that the Teletubbies do too! Hope you're on the mend soon.

  5. I think the teletubby puts things in day is brighter already, thanks for sharing, lol!

  6. I do believe that it's Dipsy. I really though they had all died. Well that may have been wishful thinking! Far too many years of reading their books and videos of them. Very funny that he waved to you!

  7. Hilarious! Hope you are feeling better!

  8. Hope it was a good day, everyone should have a Dipsey to brighten their day once in a while!

  9. Only in NYC...sometimes I miss it...

  10. too fun!
    nothing surprises me in NYC anymore! a lot of things make me smile and seeing him would!

  11. Are you sure it was a guy in a suit and not an actual teletubby? When you first saw him tell the truth...did you worry about how high your fever had gone?!

  12. If this cute guy was on the street corner in my hometown someone would call the police and he would be arrested and then committed. That's the peril of living in a small town in E TN. Glad you had a great day.

  13. I truly missed you. Whether up or down, I love your view on life. I haven't gotten to go through all your posts (so many) but I will soon catch up. Your photos tell a wonderful story. Do you always have a camera with you? By the way, I took 1400 pics on our trip.

  14. that is HILARIOUS!!! I think that one is Dipsy. Oy, i shouldn't admit that, should i????


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