Sunday, February 8, 2009

weekend roundup.

From this, to....

She's one happy Camper.

It went up very easily, I must say. I just used upholstery tacks along the top, then used some of that handy dandy, Fabric glue stick, to adhere the seams together... We left it hang like a large curtain, since we didn't want to put more nail holes through the mural underneath.

At first she was not sure if she was ready for the mural to be covered, but when it was done. she said, It feels very, Meditative, & cozy and I LOVE it!

Cozy alright. I love it too!
I think she did pretty well picking out such a sophisticated fabric!

Now, I will just finish a set of curtains, and the makeover is complete.
woo hoo!

It was a very warm Sunday. Very ODD!! 56 degrees but windy. We drove out to Montauk, NY, the farthest, most eastern point of LONG ISLAND.
We were hoping to see the seals that come in, but no such luck ...

Then we all had a big huge nap. Including the lazy bones...
I feel like I'm running on empty. I seriously need some sunshine.


I had one lovely geranium in bloom. Spring. Is it on its way???


  1. Oh, that bit of warmer weather was fabulous, wasn't it!?! I loved it! I am ready to start thinking about spring.

    Congrats on finishing so many quilts! Fantastic! And your studio? (from earlier...) A studio?!?! How fantastic. I love that moda quilt too. And your black and white quilt makes me think of a dance I am creating with my second graders about cities...

    Fun, fun!

  2. such an adorable room! I love all the fun colors that your daughter has in there. I want a room like that :)

  3. Love the fabric on the wall. Very nice. Your beach pictures are wonderful. Looks like a good weekend was had by all.

  4. How fun!!! Can you come and decorate my house too? That geranium is beautiful and so is the beach photo. Looks like you had a lovely weekend :)

  5. Looks the last was a nice weekend! The sea pics are wonderful...I need sunshine too.

  6. How does a geranium bloom in February? you must have had it in a greenhouse? What a wonderful sight.

    FABulous job on the wall.. it looks so teenager-ish. That little girl is growing up. :-)

    Glad you had such a nice weekend.

  7. I love the fabric B picked out and yes, it's sophisticated.
    I didn't know the easternmost point in the US is in NY...I had assumed Maine. Thanks for the geography lesson.

  8. I thought the most eastern point was

    West Quoddy Head, Maine, at 66º 57'W?


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