Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not so much

Not so much quilting this weekend.
I just got back from a 14 hour day on my motorcycle with about 25 friends.

We ferried from Port Jefferson, NY over to CT and rode all over... I left at 5:30am in the morning and pulled back in at home at 7:30pm... It was a beautiful day! Very inspiring! the leaves were changing, the sun was out, and I have a new found appreciation for CT...

We took this beautiful drive up from Danbury, through Ridgefield, South Salem, over near Katonah, NY, (borders CT) Pound Ridge, Wilton, Norwalk, Westport etc... It was beautiful! Gorgeous old houses and all those fabulous stone walls! If only I had a camera that snap them as I rode along... !!!

I didn't think I'd get sun burned in October... But I did! It was worth it...

And no, this wasn't today. I wear a helmut... this is in my driveway, preapring to wash the mechanical beast.... the little beast is our Schnoodle, named Jenny Egg.

BUT! I did find some old quilts of mine that I forgot about! I did these in college... Seems like a lifetime ago...
I was experimenting with dying the fabric(person), or painting on it(tree), and dealing with silhouettes,(Kokopelli)

Darn, I Wish I had my camera back!!! We head back to NYC tomorrow...
then its back to


  1. Wow, sounds like a fun and beautiful drive! Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I thought I saw you and your gang tearing through my little town today! Glad you had such fun - it was a great day for it.

  3. I live in Katonah--wave next time you ride by!!

  4. Ah ha - you ARE a biker / quilter!
    And I found your bike - nice paint - sleek bike... too fun!

    Nice to meet you! I got to ride to work today, but tomorrow's temp is going to drop about 10 degrees... and I have a rule that the temp has to be at least equal to my age! So no riding tomorrow...

    Does Jenny Egg ride too?


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