Above are my blocks from Shelly Pagliai's Book, A Simple Life! I LOVE this BOM quilt of hers, and I have to make my own as she won't share... ;-)
She's my friend, I can give her guff!
I LOVE the quilts in this book, perfect scrap quilts! I'd make them all if I could! I just might!
I am using all Mostly manor Fabrics in her BOM version, which you can purchase in my shop!
I am using all Mostly manor Fabrics in her BOM version, which you can purchase in my shop!
Visit Prairiemoonquilts.com

Want to WIN a copy?
Leave me comment about what you think about, when you think "1950's"?
giveaway open May 31st-June 3rd, 9am.
Hi the Birth of my sister ! Thanks for sharing!
I think of all the things I did as a child.
ReplyDeleteI was a child and life was much simpler and innocent then. Loved the times. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletePink or white Formica top metal kitchen tables...love them! And Id love to win a copy of A Simple Life:) thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love the background fabric you're using.
ReplyDeleteI read your question and thought "sprinklers". The kind your in the middle of your yard that makes that lulling sound. I have no idea why that popped in to my head. Some movie association maybe? I was born in the 70s so it certainly isn't personal memory.
Ankle socks and saddle shoes...also permed hair.
ReplyDeleteOh the diners!! (And milkshakes!)
ReplyDeleteMy childhood.
ReplyDeleteSince I am a relic from the 50's I should have a book of great quilt designs from that era. I love vintage quilts.
ReplyDeleteI think of the year I turned 10 and got my new Brownie camera.
ReplyDeleteIt was such a great time to be a kid! The book looks like it has some great patterns. Thanks for the give away!
ReplyDeleteWonderful childhood memories!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about the 50's, I think about my high school and college years. A VERY LONG TIME AGO.
ReplyDeleteCarole Hoffman
I was a tiny child and life was good...I grew up on a farm and loved the country and the animals--I learned to sew as a little girl too and still love it...Most of all I grew up with good honest people..
ReplyDeleteStylish dresses and sunglasses!
ReplyDeletesimplier times, a happy childhood and lots of fun
ReplyDeleteReminds me of time spent at my granny's sleeping under those quilts. After my father passed away they came to me. LOVE them like I love quilts of all time.Love thinking about that time and those quilts and my childhood. Diann kyquiltymama@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI wasn't born until mid 60's, but what I know about the 50's is that my grandma was a quilter and she had to do it "the hard way" before Accuquilt, longarms, and rotary cutters. She would be amazed at some of the toys I have today. I also remember 1950 is when my mother graduated from school. I love looking at her high school picture. She is so beautiful! I miss her and my grandmother very much, but know they are in a better place.
ReplyDelete50s - time when I was born! Before cable tv and cell phones and gps - living in Minnesota!
ReplyDeleteI wasnt born on ntio 61 but love the photos of my mum in the Audrey Hepburn twinsets and beautiful dresses. Which she later ut up to make rompers for us kids.
ReplyDeletePoodle skirts and rock 'n roll!
ReplyDeleteThe 1956 Oldsmobile behemoth which was still going strong when I learned to drive on it
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ReplyDeleteTurquoise kitchen appliances and kitchen ware.
ReplyDeleteI was a child of the 1950's: Images of Daddy drinking coffee and shaving before work, Mom wore dresses and stayed home to be with us kids, playing cowboys (Roy Rogers and Dale Evans)outside with the neighbor kids, walking to school(we felt safe), our first TV (black and white), rotary dial telephone, 4 digit phone number (Butler 7777), the "bop", saddle shoes with socks, sewing an apron and skirt in "home ec" class (boys had "shop"). Nice memories...
ReplyDeleteOf course I think of the decade I was born when I think of the '50's - and what a great decade it was!
ReplyDeleteI was only a newborn at the end of the 50s, so I don't remember anything firsthand, but I always think of cool cars and poodle skirts.
ReplyDeleteBorn in 1947 so I think the 50's were awesome for a young girl!
ReplyDeleteI was born in the late 50's, so off hand I don't remember much. I think of my parents meeting each other, marrying, and having three little ones before 1960. An amazing decade.
ReplyDeleteWearing Mary Janes (shiny black shoes for special occasions).
ReplyDeleteI was born in 1954 so the 50's were just full of play, books and love.
ReplyDeletenikki_moshier at Hotmail.com Thanks for the chance.
I was one year old and the fifties make me think of my mum and the whole domestic scene.
ReplyDeleteI was born in June of 1959. I think the 50's were a simpler time. Not as much need for "stuff" and family values were of utmost importance.
ReplyDeletegreat period! love your fabrics!
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I associate with the 1950s is a colour scheme -- turquoise, ballet pink, and that pale Bakelite custardy yellow. Although you don't see it in any of my current work, I am obsessed with it, and new projects are being planned!
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother's aprons, and her classic homey table linens. Her cookie jar which sets on my other grandmother's Hoosier cabinet in my dining room. But most of all, her little red paint splattered step ladder, which was our ticket to her pantry shelves, that were covered by a homemade fabric curtain. That little ladder is where my grandbabies set atop of today when they spend creative time in my studio. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteI think of my childhood when I think of the 50s. Playing outside all day, big cars, saddle shoes, homemade birthday cakes. Your blocks are beautiful & that book looks like a winner!
ReplyDeleteHappy Days. I love the fabric you are using for your BOM.
ReplyDeleteSue Hook
The 50's were catching fireflies in a jar....playing outside...hanging clothes on the line...washing clothes with a wringer washer and two rinse tubs....no air-conditioner....2 school grades in one room....riding the horse everyday out to the pasture to count the cows....learning to sew and crochet and knit and embroider....many wonderful memories but I do love my automatic washing machine and AC! :)
ReplyDeleteI was born in 1955 so I think about my early childhood years. I remember that my mother and I had matching dresses from a red print. I also have wonderful memories of time spent with my grandparents. Thanks for the chance to win.
As a 1952 baby boomer I think of meatloaf and mama sewing and starting school and the fact that my pintrest board shows a lot of 50's clothes.
ReplyDeleteBorn in 1954! My mom made quilts from my dads old shirts. Quilts in the 50s were necessities to keep warm and were far from the beautiful ones today!
ReplyDeleteMy sweetheart's mother, who was very much a 1950's wife and mother. She had a group of girlfriends with whom she played bridge, and it was those same ladies who helped tend to her when she had cancer--and they still managed to make their visits feel like "hen parties", bless their hearts.
ReplyDeleteI fondly remember sitting at the soda fountain of my uncle's pharmacy/drugstore (in Lafayette, IN), sipping a cherry phosphate. Do they even have these anymore? :-)
ReplyDelete1950's remind me of those tiny waisted dresses my mother wore. The pill box hats, the black and white tiles on the kitchen floors, and my dad with hair!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
The 50's is my parents house with a kitchen dinette set,black and white TV,pink and blue tile bathrooms, and a clothesline. Darlene dhoctor@sbcglobal.net
ReplyDelete50's college years, first teaching job, got married, first child. A good time to live. Simpler and you could trust people.
ReplyDeleteThinking about the 1950's reminds me about pincurls, saddle shoes, full skirts which allowed great twirling, long cotton socks held up with a garter belt, push lawn mowers, the swing hanging in the huge oak tree, fresh vegetables straight out of the garden (after the weeds were pulled!) ... Thanks!
ReplyDelete'Happy Days' and poodle skirts, when my parents were in high school. I love star blocks, and that pattern seems to have lots of them.
ReplyDeleteMy mom always talked about working at the drug store soda fountain. It had to be a much simpler and quiet time. There isn't any quiet anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe 50's were before my time. But my first thought was of my mother with her red hair done up and a skirt and sweater on. She would have been chasing after three kids as two wouldn't be there until the 60's. She made most of their clothes including the western shirts she liked to dress my older brother in. Those were the days? Thanks for encouraging good thoughts. And thanks for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteBetty Crocker cookbooks. Lol
ReplyDeleteHappy Days. Ladies in high heels, vacuuming.
So glad to know about this author and blog, what fun! Thank you.
I grew up in the 50s. Very busy time of going to school. best decade of music.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother's Knox gelatin salads,watching "heat lightning" on her back porch, watching neighbors give one another perms under a grape arbor and developing friendships that have lasted a lifetime!
ReplyDeleteMy mom always wearing a dress and an apron, every day.
ReplyDeleteI think about going with my parents to the drive-in movies every weekend. Oh how fun it was to play on the playground during intermission! LOL
ReplyDeleteA década que nasci!!!!a melhor hehe
ReplyDeleteA década que nasci!!!!a melhor hehe
ReplyDeleteAprons and poodle skirts, but may be wrong decade for the skirts?
I was born in 1950, a great decade to grow up in. I relate to so many comments above, I wish to add Davey Crocket coon skin hat, and does anyone remember "Pedal Pushers"? (The name for pants for girls), Also I think of my beloved Grandpa Joe.
ReplyDeleteLoved the 50's and looking forward to seeing this book...and to comment on another few messages...I had Davey Crocket silverware, a cap gun and holster...I was quite the cowgirl. and those were the days of dreams...my groan-up wish was to be a "television fixer" or a "chicken feeder"...
ReplyDeleteAh the beginning of Rock and Roll! I was so lucky to be the right age to enjoy the fun times of the 50"s. Even if I did get sent home for wearing an I love Elvis shirt (homemade) to school. Ha those teachers should only see what goes on today??
ReplyDeleteThe 1950's were a simpler and more minimal way of life that 60 years later many of us are trying to get back....
ReplyDeleteBefore my time but the beginning of the space race and retrofuturism.
I think about the song Itsy Bitsy Teeny, Tiny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini! Not sure if it's from the 50's but I know it's from way back! Love your blocks. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteNorth Carolina heat, our shady yard, tobacco auctions, people smoking in the grocery store (shoppers) and everywhere else too, my mom's potato salad, men wearing hats when outside - and tipping them or at least touching the brim when a lady or girl passed by, saying "Ma'am" and "Sir" or else, mouth washed out with soap for saying "dumb," going to Grier School (grades 1 - 9) with my folks one hot summer day and standing in line to finally walk across the stage and take a dose of polio vaccine on a sugar cube, no air conditioning anywhere at all (how did we survive?!), knowing that I could have anything I wanted as long as mom, grandmama, nanny, or one of the aunts could sew or knit or construct it in some fashion, going to Mary Jo's cloth store when it was in its previous location in Dallas, NC - a big old behemoth of a building that did indeed eventually burn down in 1981... I grew up in Gastonia - The Spindle City - named because of all the cotton spinning mills there - cotton fabric was everything. I made my first garment - a makeshift bathing suit - out of a pair of my Nanny's underpants - a stretchy, thin, blue knit fabric - I was about 3 - I cut arm holes up near the waist band on either side and Voila! I slipped into the new suit! My mother said, "where did you get that cute little bathing suit?..." and then... all I remember was quickly heading home across town - without my new creation! I really wish they'd taken a picture of that! The good old, bad old days :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteShirtwaist dresses with pearls and heels, men in suits and hats, kids running everywhere in each others houses, cocktail parties, bridge days, family dogs running around the neighborhoods, wonderful little brick houses - these are a few of my favorite memories.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful book - thanks for the chance. I was born in '53
ReplyDeleteI graduated from high school in the 50's, got married, had a sweet little girl and listened to love songs with my sweet hubby. Sweet memories. Would love to win this book.
ReplyDeleteIn the 50s and in high school all I thought about was boys,boys and boys. Just saying!
ReplyDeleteEdward Scissorhands' looking neighborhoods. Fins on cars, and oh those car colors!
ReplyDeleteLove the quilting done in the 50's because the fabrics were usually from their everyday lives. I'm working on an unfinished Quilt a relative started in the 1950s. Located many reproduction fabrics to work on it, but the center block in every block is the same. I need five more blocks. Looked for years for the fabric and when I saw an Aunt last year found a pillowcase she had made out of a flour sack from farm in 1950s. It was my missing fabric. She donated it to my work so I could more of the family fabtics in the Quilt. Such love. Nice book.
ReplyDeleteLove the quilting done in the 50's because the fabrics were usually from their everyday lives. I'm working on an unfinished Quilt a relative started in the 1950s. Located many reproduction fabrics to work on it, but the center block in every block is the same. I need five more blocks. Looked for years for the fabric and when I saw an Aunt last year found a pillowcase she had made out of a flour sack from farm in 1950s. It was my missing fabric. She donated it to my work so I could more of the family fabtics in the Quilt. Such love. Nice book.
ReplyDeleteI was born in the 50's and have fond memories of little girls' home made gingham dresses - and that never goes out of style!
ReplyDeleteI think about my mom going to high school in the 50's. So different.
ReplyDeleteI think of my childhood growing up on a farm.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun question! It's before my time, lol. I think about poodle skirts, great cars, fun music, and Grease. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI think of growing up with my brother. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway! (shirparks@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteI think of my parents in high school and my mom's senior picture wearing a cashmere sweater and pearls.
ReplyDeleteI think of growing up in a neighborhood with other kids born in the 10 years after WWII. What a simpler time.
ReplyDeleteAprons, house dresses, white gloves, jukeboxes, milkshakes, classy dresses, bobby socks and serious romance.
ReplyDeleteThe '50s??? - that's my childhood. Lots of memories of pedal pushers, black and white TV, Popsicles and freedom; coming home home anytime before dinner, parents not worrying and riding my bike without restriction or fear. It was a great time to be a kid. I may be older, but I still remember the '50s and hope I always do.
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ReplyDeleteThe 1950s were such a great time for music - greats like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Bill Haley & the Comets, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Sam Cooke all got their start during this time. (And now, I'll be singing Jailhouse Rock or Maybellene all day!).
ReplyDeleteThe 50s also brought "the day the music died" with the plane crash that ended The lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper.
While I was born years later, this is the music I listened to as a child. This music reminds me of my childhood...and my mother singing along in her sewing room or my parents dancing with us to Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock."
It was slightly before my time but I love to wear shift dresses and have a natural swing to my hair so I channel the 50's quite often. Your blocks love amazing and what a great giveway.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these...and the fact that there will be a sew along...(I do better getting them done that way!) Thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteI think of black and white pictures. You get to see the differences between now and then.
ReplyDeleteI think about the fact that it is the decade I was born in. There were certain patterns in the fabrics back then - so many of them look like the reproduced ones of the current time.
ReplyDeletecars with fins!
ReplyDeleteHousework in dresses....and a fresh ribbon in your hair before the husband come home. Ha! Shelly's book looks lovely! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteParty frocks! I was born in the late 50's and for my birthday, my Mum always made me a special party frock. My favourite was ballet-pink with white flock polka dots and a net underskirt - did I LOVE that dress, I can see it now when I close my eyes! Thanks for the chance to win - it looks like a brilliant book.
ReplyDeleteI was born in the 50's so don't have many memories. I did watch "Happy Days" and I do like the looks of the poodle skirts.
ReplyDeleteI was a child in the 50's a small child so I think about standing next to my Mom as we drove to grandma's house!
ReplyDeleteThinking of my childhood, been born in 1952. giving a tribute to ma parents who had a difficulty time economywise in these years.
ReplyDeleteGreetings brigitte
Being home with my mom and sister as we were not yet in school!
ReplyDeleteNo air conditioning in Fla back then, rotary phones with party lines, and black & white TV. My mom teaching me to sew my own clothes on her Singer Slantomatic sewing machine. My dad mowing the grass on Sunday afternoon wth 5 kids ( 2 more came later) following along behind him like little ducks.
ReplyDeleteWas a 50's teenager, and I definitely want to revisit that era!!
ReplyDeleteIm a 60"s child, but Ohhhh I love the fashion.
ReplyDeleteLoved the great music of the 50'. Grade school/high school time for me. Lots of great memories of carefree, silly times. So sad to think of those no longer with us when thinking about the "growing up" years
ReplyDeleteGot a rock around the clock type music! Lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd no seat belts in the cars except for mom's arms.
DeleteThe 50's - Navy Polka Dot dresses, wearing hats to church. The best was buying candy bars, 6 bars for 25 cents! Yes the big candy bars...
ReplyDeleteI think about elementary school, which I loved attending.
ReplyDeleteI think about elementary school, which I loved attending.
ReplyDeleteA little before my time but I loved hearing my mom's stories about going to college in the late 50's......she apparently loved the song Blueberry Hill and Fats Domino....drove her dorm mates crazy. she met my father and in 1959 they got married ....
ReplyDeletethanks for the opportunity.
My childhood! Lots of freedom to roam the neighborhood and play with friends, sledding down the hill across the street, the arrival of my sister.
ReplyDeleteThe 1950s - loved it...Lots of fun...but I remember measles, mumps, chickenpox, TB scares....alot safer now for children.Photos of my parents show Mum dressed elegantly in beautiful dresses and Dad always wore a tie!! I wore smocked dresses and we had school tunics!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThe 1950s - loved it...Lots of fun...but I remember measles, mumps, chickenpox, TB scares....alot safer now for children.Photos of my parents show Mum dressed elegantly in beautiful dresses and Dad always wore a tie!! I wore smocked dresses and we had school tunics!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThe 1950s - loved it...Lots of fun...but I remember measles, mumps, chickenpox, TB scares....alot safer now for children.Photos of my parents show Mum dressed elegantly in beautiful dresses and Dad always wore a tie!! I wore smocked dresses and we had school tunics!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThe 1950s - loved it...Lots of fun...but I remember measles, mumps, chickenpox, TB scares....alot safer now for children.Photos of my parents show Mum dressed elegantly in beautiful dresses and Dad always wore a tie!! I wore smocked dresses and we had school tunics!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI was born in the 50's. My mom recently passed away and going through old photos of relatives in the 50's was so cool. They did dress up and wear fun hair styles. I also recently saw the movie, 'Bridge of Spies' that was based on events in and around the 50's, great costuming and setting and the plot was great.
ReplyDeleteI think how beautiful my mom was back in the 50's... she's always beautiful, but especially so in the fifties!
ReplyDeleteLove your Blocks... I remember the 50's well. Quite a different world then than today. A slower paced time.
ReplyDeleteNot having been alive in the 50s, I think of Happy Days and Grease - the 70s versions of the 50s! Love your blocks and your fabrics!
ReplyDeleteI remember picnics in the backyard and my mother gardening.
ReplyDeleteI remember picnics in the backyard and my mother gardening.