Sunday, September 7, 2014

Another done.

Another healing quilt is done and will ship Monday.  I was told of a woman who desperately needed a quilt... She was not feeling well, went in, and came out with some very bad news...  I hope this quilt,  filled with all our love and support, will help her in her journey....

Thank you again for all your support in contributing these blocks. Together we are bringing a touch of Joy to those who need some extra love and prayers.

Thank you!


  1. Oh, there's lots to look at in this quilt, when your eyes might have trouble resting.... Love that coral and red block in amidst all the others. Prayers for the lovely lady and thanks for all you do and gather to you.

  2. Beautiful! And such a sweet thing to do. I'm sure that this quilt will provide the comfort that she needs.

  3. so nice of you to do this, let us know when you need more blocks…
    love this quilt it just makes me smile!

  4. Love the vibrant colors in that quilt. I hope the lady that you made it for will find lots of comfort.

  5. Kathie is spot on. The joy of colour is magical.

  6. I would love to help out with a block or two from time to time . How do I get involved?


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