Wednesday, June 5, 2013

San Jose

AN AMAZING 24 hours in San Jose, CA!  I flew out  Saturday night to the San Jose Quilt & Textile Museum for the opening reception of the MILESTONES exhibit.  Yes! "Double Edged Love" is hanging there!

It's an amazing show, so if you are in the area, please make the effort to see the show... Everything in the show relates to birth, transition, death etc.  There were about 10 of us there to talk about our works. I can say, tears were shed, as many of these works are highly personal.  Really amazing stuff! I was honored to be included in it.  It was really interesting to hear how many of us were working around the same subject matter...and how healing it is, to explore ourselves in this genre of textiles...


  1. OK, well ---- the skelatons are a little creepy! Very interesting, but creepy!

  2. All quilts are sacred to me. They are personal expressions of the lives of their makers. I am so glad to see that emphasized in this art museum exhibit, because I sometimes get weary of all the nit picking that often accompanies the craft. The real reason we quilt is...

  3. Thank you for taking the time to explain about the show. It's always so helpful to hear this type of information about how others use and interpret their art. And on a lighter note: you match the quilting right behind you on your quilt! ;-D

  4. The show looks amazing! Thanks for giving us a peek. Have a safe trip!

  5. Oh my gosh, I LOVE those skeletons! (Not like, I want them in my house love, but amazing and beautiful all the same.) Thanks for sharing the photos, wish an in-person visit to the show were possible.

  6. I LOVE those skeletons and I do want them in my house. Congratulations on the exhibition!!!

  7. Looks like a wonderful moving show! I wish I could make it to San Jose to see it in person, but thank you for the photos. Enjoy your teaching tour - we'll miss you!

  8. It is good to keep the idea that what we make speaks for who we are. Thanks for sharing these pictures.


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