Tuesday, April 3, 2012


My Stepson has a knack for picking out very personal Clever gifts for Birthdays and Holidays... I had already rec'd a very cool Birthday gift last week from him.  These very cool ceramic boxes, designed by Daniel Ballau a skateboarderd/musician turned industrial designer. They are "CARGO CONTAINERS" in homage to his childhood home in Long beach, CA and they go great in my home and my various collection of vintage ceramics...
http://areaware.com/ caries some of his things...fun place to check out...

Then yesterday, another package arrived, with what I usually expect from him... Fabulously selected personalized objects from Thrift Shops that usually fits one's personality to a T... 
Or (T-Shirt in this case) ....speaking of "case"

This CASE arrived... see what I mean? 
How did he know I needed a place to stash my fabrics and snacks? Next retreat I am taking this with me... You'll know who I am by this case I will be carrying...

Inside the case was this book, "READY MADES"  this book is very "ME"as I run a round taking oodles of  pictures very similar to the objects in this book (like here and here).... Images of Railroad cars, Pink houses (you know there is a PINK house in every town in America? ) Barns,  Derelict gas stations, empty buildings, old signs, trucks etc.... I especially would have stopped the car to take a picture of a PINK house with a PINK truck! 

I once stopped suddenly to take a picture of A PINK BARN, Jack pot!

Next in the box were these Monster's Inc. Characters. My BOO was about 2 or 3 when that move came out. When I saw the movie I was like, I flipped because the Character "BOO" was so much like my daughter, well you see how that goes... I was already calling her BOO, so the coincidence knocked me off my chair. ;-) I've always been a big fan of the movie... I have a giant TALKING James P Sullivan and  Boo doll... Now I have these, and they came with DOORS! ;-)

And lastly, to sum up this post...  I now have a "Melrose Place" T-shirt to go with my 90210 t-shirt and Luke Perry Puzzle...

Does this date me?


Thanks BOB! I wish I was as good at gift giving as you are....It's so much fun to open your packages! They are always SPOT ON. ;-)

More HST's today... I'm on a roll!

What's the best gift you've been given?


  1. I grew up in a household of boys, in a neighborhood of boys, the only girl. I now have three sons to go with my three brothers and two brother-in-laws. Best pressent ever? When my big brother told me he found a girl he wanted to marry, who reminded him of me. They got married on my 20th birthday. Every year I remind him that she is really my sister, not his wife, and he did a great job picking her out.

  2. Love Monsters Inc., how cute are those toys :0)
    Yeah, great gifts!
    Fun to stretch out the celebration.

    Happy Sewing

  3. Best present ever? Easy. My DH called my aunt one December and drove 100 miles to her house and brought back my Grandmother's treadle. Christmas Eve (also my Mom's birthday)he brought me out to the garage and there it was! It was really hard to not grease and oil it and start sewing. But I had his family coming and over for dinner and Christmas for everyone else to celebrate. December 26 I got it up and running! Yay! You can see it on my blog http://bethdonaldson.blogspot.com/, I was posed with it for a painting for F is for Friendship, A Quilters' Alphabet.

  4. Two thumbs up for Bob and his thoughtful gift. I enjoyed reading about it.

  5. Gregg's grandma had a Pink house!

  6. What fun gifts! LOL @ the 90210 stuff. That is too funny!

  7. So hard to choose best gifts. I love any gift that someone actually thought about. It could be as simple as a cup of coffee, a piece of fabric or lots of little things or as extravagant as the trip my husband took me on last year, anything that emphasizes the bond I have with the giver.

  8. I love that lunch box--such a classic!.

    My husband gave me a jewelry box our first year together. It was a total surprise. (And it came from one of those stores that sell homemade items from third world countries; the money goes back to the creators to help them be self-sufficient.) The jewelry box blew me away and was the perfect gift to suite me; he has never been able to top it!

  9. Great post, great gifts - Bob obviously "gets it" - how cool. Best gift (in recent memory) - nerd alert - a pack of #2 pencils and an electric pencil sharpener. i LOVE it!

  10. Wow... Need to get on Bob's gifting list Immediately!!!
    Killer swag...

  11. The house across the street was pink when we moved here in 1980...think it was painted a chaste latte color about 5 years later, but we still call it "the pink house"...

  12. Those are funnnnn! I got one of santa's reindeer once....aka...a real live miniature pony. Love my dad, and growing up in upstate NY.


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