Friday, May 28, 2010

Tag attatched

This is the tag attached to the puff quilt...


  1. Wow apparently biscuits quilts must have been a spin off of the puff quilt.

  2. I saw one once, it was kinda cool.

    what is it the tag says not to do to the quilt when I open it? Taile it? I don't know that term...

  3. TAKE! I'm a moron, I see now that it says "do not take quilt out" I'm not sure why I couldn't read that before. Sheesh.

  4. Ladies sew quilts like this for charity in my country. They collect, wash and prepare discarded hoses and use them as stuffing, in many layers.It may get real cold here in the South. Their volunteer work and donation are very important.

  5. My mother in law made me a puff pot holder in the 80s. She had a base sqaure of muslin, then she sewed the 9 patch ontop of the base and stuffed each square with Poly Fill stuffing. She wanted me to make a twin size but I was not intrested in something I could not hand quilt. She called it a "puff" quilt pot holder she got it from a womens mag in the mid 80s

  6. Very interesting! And I am amazed at the price, unreal!

  7. Did you buy this quilt?
    I know that quilters will make quilts from everything- in the 70's they made them from fortrel- those quilts were heavy, not very pretty and will never disintegrate unless you burnt them..VBS No, I did not make one though I did make clothing from fortrel LOL
    Interesting tag- probably were afraid that if you got it out of the bag - they could never put it back in- Wonder what the whole pattern looked like?
    Very fun tag..


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