Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never ending projects...

I'd sure like to get these done....
I'm hoping if I post about it, that will energize me into finishing them!

Overall, being home for this past week after being away all summer, I feel I got a lot done. I've cleaned my studio, found some new projects, loads of great blogs, and got inspired to get some work done!

I've found the blog helps me to focus on things, and move me forward!
I thank the many new cyber friends for your encouraging words.

Hoping next week to make some of these big projects, completed projects. And to be able to find a quiet moment to breathe and enjoy it...

Have a great weekend!


  1. I know how you feel. I find that I can only get quilting things done in the holidays, so usually for me I have knitting things on the go during term times ( so portable) and then the sewing machine gets fired up when I have chunks of time available. Good luck with the projects!

  2. Those projects are going to look great when they are done! I can't wait to see the finished products! Hope things are getting a little more organized!


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