Sunday, September 28, 2008


On Tuesday, Me & B will draw a name for the winner of my first Give away!

Dont' forget to post a comment before Tuesday!

I'm excited! Thanks for reading along with me and my sewing, foodie adventures! Although, the quilters are winning out! Not many foodies reading... But oh well!

(Trust me the recipes are yummy or I won't post them. Kid tested and mother approved!)

Since my give away was posted about collecting and cleaning out my studio, and it will be a variety of goodies... But I prefer it to be a


B had a great day Friday passing her High Brown belt test in Tae Kwon do! Way to go!
She has one mean, back hook kick!

I passed my High Purple belt test also. Although, not in flying colors like Miss B. But that's ok...
(Way to go mom!)
My Camera died!!! I managed to get the pictures off of it OK, but I can't see them in my camera when I'm taking a picture... So I'm going to be camera less for a while as I send it off to Canon to get it fixed!!!

I'm sort of at a loss with out my camera... I always have it with me... oh well, better now than xmas!


I'm about half finished quilting out that Gees Bend inspired quilt. It looks pretty good. I tried a few different patterns quilting it and have to a little to take out that I don't like.

But over all, B has decided that she wants it when its done, even after I just purchased the fabric she hand selected for a new quilt for her bed!

I'm quite pleased that she likes it. After all, her and I learned about the Gee's Bend Quilts together watching a special on Martin Luther King. It was a very special mommy and B moment, and the memory of that will always stay with that quilt... Here is a peek so far...

I'm counting up how many "OPRAH'S" It takes me to finish this quilting... So far we are at 4 shows... Thank god for TIVO ;-)


Oh! and before I forget, go over to browndirtcottage
And check out this really fun & Amazing rooster quilt... She will be posting a
link the pattern and web page shortly. Its so fun.
go see!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on your tests! is that what they are called? I would be lost without my camera too! Hope it is all better soon!!!


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